Meet the Men’s Corner host, DJ Sodza, and his panelist reacting to Dr. Nkosana Moyo’s interview on February 22nd, 2018. Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadMore Posts for Show: Men's Corner
Yearly Archives: 2018
ZIMBABWE VOTES 2018 Presidential Candidate Dr Nkosana Moyo of APA is interviewed by Dj Sodza on the Mens Corner on ZimNET radio . Tune in today at 10pm GMT. Call in via Skype : Skype : Zimnetmainradio Whatsapp: +44 7984455349
zim NET radio PRESENTS : THE ZIMBABWE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS 2018 RUN ! zim NET radio launches its Zimbabwe Presidential Elections 2018 Run coverage offering all the candidates a fair and level playing field to present themselves in their best light for the electorate to see. Our Coverage will be as […]
Listen to DJ Sodza hosting a Tribute to Morgan Richard Tsvangirai show on zim NET radio’s Men’s Corner Show. The show aired live on February 15th, 2018. Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadMore Posts for Show: Men's Corner
Listen to Ms. Sibo as she presents a Valentine Special show with a twist, only the Drumroll way, on The Drumroll Show that aired live on February 14th, 2018 Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadMore Posts for Show: The Drumroll Show
Listen to DJ Twice dropping awesome tracks out of Zimbabwe on the Basement Sounds show that aired live on February 14th, 2018 Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadMore Posts for Show: Basement Sounds
Ladies and gentlemen I am gutted by the passing of Dr. Morgan Richard Tsvangirai. Join me tomorrow 15/02/18 @9pm GMT. It’s a celebration of Tsvangirai’s life and tributes to this god given son who died fighting for democracy in Zimbabwe.
Listen to DJ Sodza and his panelists discussing the utter confusion in MDC? Who is the Acting VP? What’s going on with MDC Leadership. The show aired live on zim NET radio’s Men’s Corner show which aired live on February 8th, 2018. Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadMore Posts […]
Listen to DJ MAfaro talking to Joseph Tivafire live on the zim NET radio’s Huchi Pasina Nyuchi show. The show aired on February 2nd, 2018 Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadMore Posts for Show: Huchi Pasina Nyuchi
Listen to DJ Sodza and his panelist discussing the current Zimbabwe political events. In this episode the are discussing, 1) Was Dr. J. Mujuru beaten for real? 2) Should the Opposition pay any attention to what Prof. Jonathan Moyo is saying & 3) Is it too late for MDC to […]